Sign up for xHamster using your Twitter account

Hi there xHamster!

We are thrilled to announce that users can now join xHamster and our creator program by simply signing up with a Twitter account.

Twitter accounts are extremely secure with two factor authentication and a dedicated support team. Pair that with the security and privacy features we have built for xHamster, you have a win-win combination that makes signing up simple.

Our new login option gives a new user the ability to simply click one or two buttons to login and sign up for xHamster.

Here is how it works for a new xHamster user:
- Visit the xHamster sign up page
- Choose "Sign up with Twitter" as an option while creating a new user account
- Proceed through the authorisation steps to connect your Twitter account to xHamster
- Once you complete the authorisation process, all you have to do is choose a username

Voila! And, just like that, you have a brand new secure account for xHamster. With an xHamster account, you'll be able to save your favourite videos, follow and interact with your favourite creators, join the creators program yourself.

If at any time you need some help, let us know.

With Love,
The xHamster Team
Đăng bởi xHamster
2 năm trước đây
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simplyanonymous2 2 năm trước đây
You guys have destroyed this site, congratulations, I barely show up anymore other than to download videos to reupload elsewhere 🖕🏻 No photo galleries, no video uploads for non verified members, a pathetic shitshow of a site now.
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Monkeymir 2 năm trước đây
Thanks 🙏 for add me
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Maximka1972 2 năm trước đây
no thanks 🖕🏻
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sidmanx1 2 năm trước đây
Maybe I could get Blue Ticks
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xxxfucknyc 2 năm trước đây
no thank you
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it will make it more easier
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cadanganhf 1 năm trước đây
Konten 🇮🇩
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The guy's a vulture
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GrayishAcceptor 2 năm trước đây
Привет всем буду рад познакомиться и пообщаться .
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Oh believe me, I can see he is. People with that amount of money lose touch with reality & their means of being capable to empathise. I always hope there is a reincarnation & they get recompense 
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Rodburner4567 2 năm trước đây
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Probably not a lot of point given that Mr Musk has touted around the idea of charging people to use the platform 
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Napoli15 2 năm trước đây
Buongiorno ottimo, 👍💪
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