Save the Rear Admiral Richard Williams!
Let`s break the chains of hypocrisy in our society. We all are Rear Admiral!
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9 năm trước đây
"loss of faith in his ability to command" is just atrocious! I have had many employees in my past and I can tell you that even before I started making porn I never would have based my belief in that persons abilities to perform a duty on something that is totally unrelated to what his duties are. Should he be reprimanded? Absolutely.... you do not use your employers equipment and time that you are being paid for to do ANYTHING related to your personal business, including watching porn. Is watching porn any worse than having hour long conversations with your girlfriend or wife everyday on the clock..... NOT IN ANY WAY. His actions show a lack of good judgement, and I can see where that might be a basis for stating that there may be a loss of faith, having impeccable judgement is essential to leading in any company, business, or organization.... but you have to show a PATTERN of repeated poor judgement before it can be determined that this is a career ending personality flaw for this man. I know most of us in this industry, and fans of this industry, immediately look at the fact that this is a porn related incident and have jumped to the conclusion that because it is porn... THAT is why the harsh judgement has been handed down, but my hope is that this is not the case. Regardless if it is or is not, reconsidering the severity of this punishment should be done immediately, or perhaps the ones who have handed the punishment out would like to be judged in the same manner..... and find that none of us are without faults.
Before it was nothing now how things changes not for the better
for gods sake get a life!! its 2016 not 1616 there are two kinds of people today those who have a open adult attitude who can discuss and enjoy porn and the other sort closet case bible bashing LIARS!!!! and hard working men and women get pilloried and there lives destroyed for enjoying something me and you take for granted sad but true.....